this page has links to albums with our pictures from Club Events.

If you click on the link it will take you to our google Albums, if you click on a picture and then on the Info icon top right then it will show you information about that picture.

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC sailing on the Broads weekend 2024

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC Diamond Jubilee Preparation Meeting 2024

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC visit to radio Caroline 2024

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC Laying Up Supper in April 2023

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC Fitting Out Supper in April 2022

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of Iken to Snape Thames Barge in November 2019

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of Aldeburgh a spot to visit in Explorer - November 2019

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC Fitting Out Supper in April 2018

Click HERE  for the album showing pictures of the KSSC Fitting Out Supper in April 2017