This page has links to albums with our pictures of Capella and will in the future show various locations around the UK.

Capella is a Dufour 365 Grand Large built in 2008, she is our new yacht and has a furling headsail and a slab reef mainsail, this makes her very easy to sail. She is located in Levington, the perfect location on the East Coast with good sailing for a relaxed holiday.

If you click on the links below it will take you to our Google Albums, I will add more soon as I obtain material. if you click on a picture and then on the Info icon top right then it will show you information about that picture.

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of the Summer Cruise June 2024 - 5th week

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of the Summer Cruise June 2024 - 4th week

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of the Summer Cruise June 2024 - 3rd week

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of the Summer Cruise June 2024 - 2nd week

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of the Summer Cruise June 2024 - 1st week

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of Capella at the Diamond Jubilee in May 2024

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of Capella at the Diamond Jubilee in May 2024

Click HERE  for an album of Photos of Capella in early Spring 2024

Click HERE  for an album of Photos pre Summer Cruise checks 2024