Email :

Our main email address is:

Or contact the Commodore Paul Newman  on             07710 044963 by phone or by Whats App

or contact the Vice Commodore Peter Girven on         07974 960935 by phone or by Whats App or on 02380 274499

We also have the following Social Media Accounts, on some of them I have created quick ways to find them:

Website: The quick address is this will automatically redirect you to the main address of

Facebook: KessinglandSeasailingClub, the address is

(For data privacy this is a private group that you need to request to join).

Instagram: kssc14 But real actual site is.

Twitter: kssc17 This is the quick and only account

WhatsApp: Message me (Peter) on 07974960935 if you would like to be added to the WhatsApp Group

.   We have several What’s App Groups to reduce the un-necessary traffic, they are:

KSSC Sailing Club,    KSSC Crewseekers ,   KSSC Techical Group,  Ploes Sailors Group,  Ploes Maint Group